Evil in the Mix

 It is not popular in these times to label any thing as evil, let alone any person.  At least not in polite society.  And yet, there is no way to describe some things as anything other than "evil."  

One does hesitate to apply such a harsh moniker to a human being.  Let us just say for now that some people seem to be predominantly evil.  

However that may be, it seems safe to say evil abounds today.  And yet, most do not see it that way.  Most prefer not to think too deeply about what may be evil, though they are willing to admit (usually) that there is right and wrong. .  

But who, after all, gets to decide what is wrong -- or evil -- for others?  One might say a judge does this, or a governor, or a President.  So it is. 

Ultimately we all -- each of us -- must be able to discern through education, training, experience, and sound judgment what represts the good, and what represents the evil.  

This, of course, is a huge matter, and why most people would rather not delve too deeply into the subject.  What, however, do we miss by this evasion? Especially, what happens to a society which cannot readily discern that which is evil?  Is it possible evil is in the mix --  in daily life, politics, even churches at times? Is evil always present, lurking and waiting, perhaps in a shadow, or a hidden snowbank?


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